Sunday, October 16, 2011

Love, Love, Love Winn Dixe Fuel Perks!!!

     If you have not signed up for a Winn Dixie savings card and Fuel Perks, run, do not walk, to your local Winn Dixie and sign up!

     I know that we have mentioned this program before, but until you save twenty plus dollars on a tank of gas, you have no idea how valuable it is.  This week they have Tresemme shampoo and conditioner as well as select Suave products that are Bonus Fuel Perks.  For every two bottles of Suave purchased you receive $0.05 in Fuel Perks.  For every bottle of Tresemme, you receive $0.05!
Wait, it gets even better.  Check your coupon binders.  I had BOGO coupons for Suave styling products, Sauve shampoo and conditioner, and Tresemme shampoo and conditioner.

     Here is what we got:

2 - 20 ct variety packs of Frito Lay chips 
6 - boxes Betty Crocker Loaded Scalloped potatoes BOGO
6 - bottles Tresemme shampoo and conditioner
3 - containers of olive bar items
1 - container of bakery pastries
1 - container Muscle Milk protein mix
4 - containers Tic Tacs
2 - London Broil Roasts BOGO
12 - Suave products (styling products, shampoo, conditioner)
Grand total $143.81  Total after savings card and coupons - drum roll please - $59.69!!!

We saved $90.25

We earned $0.95 in fuel perks.  That brought our total to $1.15 per gallon.

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