Monday, October 3, 2011

Couponing 101 (Part 2)

     Alright, now that you know where to find coupons you must have an organizational system for them.  Here, at Simple Savvy Savers, our preference is to use the binder system.  We have tried many different methods of coupon storage and this has proven to be the most efficient.

     First, you must purchase a binder (preferably on sale!).  It is best to get at least a 1 1/2 inch binder.  Coupons amass much quicker than you would think. 
     Your next step will be to locate baseball card pages.  These are fantastic for being able to see your coupons in a quick glance.  Baseball card pages can often be found at Target, Wal-Mart, and collectibles shops.  Purchase at least fifty.  Believe it or not, they will fill up quickly.  We recommend using these pages because they are clear and allow you to see your coupons in one quick glance.

     Now that you have your basic storage, you need to put your coupons in some sort of order. This is easy to do with binder dividers.  Label the dividers according to the organizational system you choose.   If you have only one store where you do all of your shopping, putting them in an order that coincides with the order you shop the store would be most logical.  If you shop at several different stores, dividing your coupons into product categories is best. 

     Once you have you binder in order, you have one last step.  Putting your coupons in their new home!  Make sure you place coupons (some may have to be folded) into the pages with vital information facing up.  This way you have a clear view of the products for which you are shopping.  Be sure to pay close attention to expiration dates.  Putting coupons that expire soonest in the front allows you to work more efficiently.

     Alright, your coupons are organized.  You have a system.  Next time we will learn how to put that system to use.

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